Our school behaviour policy is based on an expectation of good behaviour and relationships within a secure, caring and inclusive environment. We encourage good behaviour through high expectations, a clear policy and an ethos which fosters discipline and mutual respect between pupils, and between staff and pupils. Governors, staff, pupils and parents should all be clear of the high standards of behaviour expected of all pupils at all times.

The school is committed to:
- Respecting each other, ourselves and our property.
- Believing in ourselves and learn to take responsibility for our own actions.
- Achieving the highest standards of attitudes to learning and behaviour that we can.
- Building good relationships based on honesty, trust, tolerance and fairness in an environment where we care for and encourage each other.
- Promoting positive behaviour through emphasising praise and rewards which recognise good behaviour and achievement.
- Honouring our values and cherish our differences.

To view our Behaviour and Discipline Policy in full, click on the link below: