
History is a valued part of the curriculum at Carmountside Primary School. It provides a means of exploring, appreciating and understanding the world in which we live now and how it has evolved over time, through the study of major past events, and the lives of people who have evoked significant changes to our and other societies. The study of History encourages children to aim to achieve and succeed and supports growth in children’s understanding of the past and the current world in which we live.
History should stimulate curiosity and capture children’s imagination and creative spark. We encourage this by providing children with the opportunity to learn in a variety of ways; including visits to museums and places of historical interest, the opportunity to develop enquiry skills, re-enactments and role play, as an integral part of the history curriculum. Children’s spirituality is also deepened through learning about past events and the ongoing impact of those today, fostering an understanding of the need for us to learn from the past.
At Carmountside we aim to give the children knowledge that will stick with them in order for them to progress as they move through the school and onto adult life.
Where there are clear and obvious opportunities to link History to other subjects, teachers will plan this carefully. However, this will only happen when the sequence of learning for the subjects coincides.
Retrieval practice is an integral part of our curriculum planning. This means that although History is taught at certain points across the year, the sticky knowledge acquired by learners is revisited regularly, supporting children's long-term memory and helping them to 'know more and remember more'.
Click on the links below to find out more about our History Curriculum:
Non Negotiables
- We will go on at least one history based trip or welcome a visitor each year.
- We will ensure each lesson is skill based.
- We will embed the use of a timeline.
- We will look at the history of the local area.
- We will use a range of sources/resources to support each topic (topic boxes).